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Who is afraid to climb mountains?

 Who is afraid to climb mountains?

He who is afraid to climb mountains

Success requires decisiveness and a strict system, and this can only be achieved with courage. Be brave and climb the mountain, for hesitation will harm you greatly and make your life between holes in the darkness of the valley. If I ask you a question, answer frankly: If only it were. There is a project that requires an effort of time and health and is five years long and you are hesitant about doing it. Will there be a difference in the passage of time and time if you do it or not? What I want to say is that time passes and you are approaching old age, and if you are young, then why do you not take advantage of your time and grow old while successful is better than growing old while you are a failure and inactive, and there is no good in you. Time does not return and youth fades, so when you wake up, keep yourself busy with success and take the initiative and do not be lazy or cowardly. When you achieve a goal, you are standing before God, so work for your afterlife and succeed in this world. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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